When the movie, “Widows”, was released last month, I jokingly suggested a discount for those of us who are actually widowed.

Other widows felt the same and decided why stop at that movie? Widow discounts for everything!

Applebee’s should offer a 1 for $10 to match the 2 for $20 – Taya

Chuck E. Cheese’s should be totally free and onsite childcare provided. We just kick the kids out of the car and drive the hell away – Janice

All-inclusive hotels and cruises should offer a discount since we might not have a second person to travel with us. We want to get away too but they make you pay more if you go alone – Nancyann

Sex shops because we all need toys – Sharon

Parents’ Night at school should include trophies for all of those truly ‘solo’ parents – Angie

Free bottle of Grey Goose with every death certificate ordered – Maheanani

A free makeover that includes hair, style and the works for when you are trying to pull yourself back together – Jennifer

Discount on pet grooming or on dog adoption fees. How many of us got a dog since becoming a widow? – Jan


Widow discount on yard clean up because trying to rake up leaves into a bag by yourself is horrible – Michelle

Spas because human touch is so important for widows – Beverly

All the places that offer freebies and discounts on Mother’s Day and Father’s Day should extend that to mom and dad widows and widowers – Leslie

My private club membership includes spouse so I should either be given a discount or allowed unlimited guest passes – Todd

Discount on car repairs because the loss of a partner’s income really set repair and maintenance back a couple steps – Leah

Unlimited food delivery and grocery shopping where we can phone in orders received 24 hours a day. It expires when you are in a long-term relationship, remarry or want to do it on your own – Angie

If a widow lives in a state that marijuana is legal, I think she should be able to receive a permanent discount card for the dispensaries – Jennifer

Potlucks – why do I have to bring as much as a married couple? Seriously! – Bobbie

Social Security needs to cut us some slack. It is stupid that if you meet that next love you have to “live in sin” or give up his social security if you marry before 60 – Jan

Netflix and Hulu because when I didn’t feel like facing the world, I’d binge watch TV series all day and night – Missi

Lowe’s and Home Depot because being there usually means I’m conquering a widow disaster – Holly


Apple Music because music is healing – Guadalupe

Cell phone providers since they give a family discount for four plus lines. My family is now three so no family plans – Tausha

Car insurance! Why does it go up because the spouse dies? – Trypheena

Bath and Body Works should offer buy one, get one free for widows. We need the stress relief – Kisha

Property taxes because if we purchased a house together and one passes away, shouldn’t we only have to pay half of the property taxes?  – Jennifer

2-for-1 deals on granite. The headstone and countertops can match or choose any stone you wish – Angie

Discount on DirecTV/cable since it’s a major form of entertainment. The sports channels don’t get watched and the Hallmark channel is on a lot – Jan

Prepaid funeral services should be ‘buy one, get one’.  I already paid for his funeral so I should get mine half off – Cathy

When you book a holiday for you and your kids, it should come with a nanny (has to be on par with Chris Pratt, preferably in shorts only) – Melanie

Cat food because some of us are well on the way to becoming ‘crazy cat ladies’. I have two already! – Elizabeth

Widow preference on job hiring because since my ‘breadwinner’ is gone, I’m now left to fend for me and my children with only two certifiable skills: doing hair and killing people. You know how hard of a sell that is to employers? – Rita

A widow can dream, right? What would you want a ‘widow discount’ on?

Mom to a feisty preschooler, Kerry runs a support group for young widows and widowers venturing back into the world of dating and is a contributor to Open to Hope. She is the author of “The One Thing: 100 Widows Share Lessons on Love, Loss, and Life” and her articles on widowhood and grief have been featured in HuffPost and Love What Matters. She was recently featured on the podcast, Moments of Clarity.

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