It’s often said that when life hands you lemons, you make lemonade. Well, life handed me lemons and I made a baby! A few years ago, I made the conscious decision to become a single mother. I understand that choice may ruffle the feathers of those who are pro-marriage...
Fail to Acknowledge Your Grief We’ve all been there. Our spouse/partner has died and yet the Earth continues to rotate on its axis, not slowing for a second to even acknowledge our pain. It’s just business as usual. So, we too continue moving through each day. Numb....
“I wonder what his wife did that led him to that decision.”I let those words swirl around in my head as I tried to make sense of them.“What his wife did?” I asked aloud.“Yes, she must have done or not done something to make him commit suicide.”I explained how...
Dear Friend, Our conversation was the same as it’s been since we chatted as teenagers. We laughed about the events that happened in our lives since we last spoke. Funny how there could have been so much “crazy” in a 24-hour period. Now in our mid-30’s, we’ve traded in...
When my hubby died, it was so random and unexpected that both our families were left confused. Despite his not feeling well, death was never on our radar. We were left with so many questions: What happened? Was he hiding the severity of his pain? Had he been...