Somewhere between Year 2 and Year 3 of being widowed, my mother-in-law inquired about my dating status. Upon hearing it was nonexistent, she told me that while she understood I was still grieving, I needed to remember that I couldn’t hide from the world and at some...
I’m fairly certain he wasn’t expecting me to tell him I needed a week’s notice. We’d spent several weeks chatting on the phone and exchanging flirty text messages and going out was the next logical step. He was the first guy I had been receptive to going on a date...
I can recall my husband calling to say he wasn’t feeling good. We both thought he just needed some rest and to take his medication and he’d be back to his old self in no time. Within a week, I heard the words that forever changed my life, “Your husband has died”. It...
I have a confession… My late husband wasn’t perfect. Over the past 4 ½ years of being widowed, I’ve somehow managed to erase every flaw, quirk, bad habit and imperfection that made my hubby human. He was elevated to a status in my mind so off-limits that mere-mortals...
Though I’m at a place in my grief where it isn’t “raw”, I’m not so far removed that I can’t recall the words spoken by loved ones who helped me work through my pain. Among that special group are my in-laws, specifically my husband’s mother and sister. Despite the fact...