You see me carrying on despite the horrible hand life dealt me. You wave as I pull the garbage bin to the curb each week, a chore my husband would always need a gentle reminder to complete. You pass me in the hallways at work, impressed that I’m able to continue as...
$176,000! I stared at the screen in disbelief as Dr. Phil circled the number on the display. That’s how much a 78 year old woman had sent to a man she’d been “dating” for two years though they’d never met in person. He reached out to her on a dating site and before...
Today, October 31, would have been my husband’s 40th birthday. I imagine he’d be asleep and, as the night owl I’ve always been, I’d be awake staring intently at the clock, waiting to rush into the hotel bedroom and sing Stevie Wonder’s...
As time goes by, a young child’s memories of his/her father can begin to fade. Read how these widows are honoring their late-spouses and keeping their legacy alive: “I went through my husband’s clothing, matched clothing of his to pictures, then had special...
1,667 days. That’s how long the dress has been in my laundry basket. 1,667 days since I stood over the casket wearing it and kissed my husband goodbye for the last time. Every Sunday as I do laundry, I get to the bottom of the hamper and freeze. Will this be the day...