Death Doesn’t Get to Win

Death Doesn’t Get to Win

It’s been 4 years, 10 months and 8 days since I became a widow. If I’ve learned nothing else about this journey, I’ve learned that death doesn’t give a damn about you, your life or your family. Death didn’t care that I was in church, worshiping as my hubby took his...
Widow Myths, Lies & Other Fallacies

Widow Myths, Lies & Other Fallacies

As I stick my toe back into the world of dating, especially online, I’m forced to choose a status: single or widowed. I’m always hesitant to select “single” because it feels like I’m denying my marriage. If I go with “widowed”, then I have to deal with all the...
Before You Judge Another Widow/Widower

Before You Judge Another Widow/Widower

At some point, most everyone in the widowed community hopes to emerge from the black hole of grief. In no way do we ever truly escape grief but we desire to get to a place where we can carry on despite the loss of our spouse. We want to move beyond the depression,...
Getting To The Joy: A Widowed Journey

Getting To The Joy: A Widowed Journey

I was standing in the kitchen in my condo when it happened. My sister-in-law was on the phone and we were talking about my husband – how his death was so sudden and had caught everyone off guard. I can’t recall exactly what was said, but before I knew it, I was...