I often think back over our friendship. How we chatted on the phone for hours – laughing about the train wrecks we’ve encountered in our early 20’s. Remember when Mike dumped you right before Valentine’s Day and we stayed up all night drinking wine and plotting...
I see you gasp, waiting for your brain to make sense of the words that just poured out my mouth. Yes, you heard correctly. I am widowed. I know, I know…”but you’re so young”. Though I’m much younger than the average age of a widow, assuming that widowhood...
Tupak Shakur and the Notorious B.I.G. Elton John and Madonna Hillary Clinton and The Donald While I certainly expect there to be “beefs” in music and politics, I never expected to see so many widow beefs. This widowed group has a problem with that widow because she...
I vividly recall sitting in the doctor’s office a few months after my husband’s death. The receptionist had just handed me to the paperwork and asked me to complete the top portion. There were questions about number of pregnancies, alcohol consumption and whether or...
“You’re allowed to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress, simultaneously” It’s a fair statement to say that I’ve navigated the storms of widowhood and finally gotten to a place of joy. It’s not been an easy road though. I’ve shed many a tears, wished for the...