A lot can happen in three month. As the clock ushered in 2017, I prepared to take off my wedding rings. The tears and uncertainty pointed out that I clearly wasn’t ready. In fact, I blogged about the experience for Hope For Widows Foundation. A few weeks ago, I looked...
1. They Choose Happiness You’ve had one of the absolute worst things happen to you. Your soulmate, your husband, the love of your life was taken much too soon. Sadly, we all know that pain. We know what it’s like to cry for what was and what can never be. We cry for...
I get it. When you stood in front of the altar and made your vows, you expected happily ever after. But things changed. You both grew apart. There might have been an affair. Perhaps the continuous arguments about how to raise the children widened the growing wedge...
It was three months ago that I blogged about Getting to the Joy: A Widowed Journey. It had taken nearly five years for me to accept the fact that despite my husband’s loss, it is okay for me to have joy in my life again. I wasn’t obligated to live a life of depression...
It was on this day, March 10, 2012, that I heard my husband’s voice for the last time. That’s over 1,800 days of not talking to him at least three times a day. That was always our thing. When you live in different states for over half your relationship, you...