I’ll admit it. I’m the odd widow out. It’s true when they say that there’s no right way to grieve. We simply go through the motions hoping to find some measure of comfort…something to dull the pain. Sometimes it’s exercise. Sometimes it’s medication. Sometimes, it’s...
1. Living in the Past/Future You’ve had possibly the most devastating thing happen to you. Whether you were married for 20 years or two months, nothing prepares you to lose your spouse. There’s no pre-planning guide, no words anyone can say to mentally and emotionally...
Quite possibly, you’ve had the most horrific thing happen to you. I know, because it’s happened to me too. You’ve lost your husband, the father of your children, your best friend, your lover…your person. I get it. It sucks. I’ll repeat it again. I get it....
I read it time and time again: articles touting the benefits of widows dating widowers. Some have even gone as far as to suggest that only someone who has lost a spouse could possibly understand the intricacies that come with dating post-loss; therefore, widows should...
“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet” – Romeo and Juliet WIDOW. There’s no way to pretty up the word. We can’t sprinkle fancy perfume on the word to mask the stink that comes with it. There are some who feel the...