At a fair this weekend, a well-intentioned vendor gave my kiddo a package of orange slime. She couldn’t contain herself and demanded we return home so she could play with it the way she’d been instructed: on the kitchen table. What started off as fun at the table soon...
If you’ve been widowed more than a week, you’ll inevitably hear or see this statement: There is no right or wrong way to grieve. It’s the rallying cry for our community when we feel judged or receive unsolicited advice. How dare someone tell us how to deal with the...
As I stood at my husband’s grave looking down at his headstone, I noticed the date of his death. I have survived 68 months. On Day 1, I never imagined Month 1 let alone Year 1. I never thought I would ever get to a place where the pain of his death didn’t leave me...
“You’re so young. How did he die?” Perhaps I too was like you…curious to make sense of how a life so full of potential ends so unexpectedly. But now that I’ve been widowed for 5+ years, I know the “how” doesn’t matter. Not to me, and not to anyone who has experienced...
When someone questions a widow for dating or assumes she’s “over” her spouse, it really feels like a stab to the chest. How does one “get over” having their heart shattered or their world flipped inside out. How does one “get over” seeing children hurt for their...